Since my last post I have made several quilts that I decided to abandon before finishing, feeling that they just did not say what I wanted to say, or they used an old technique I was not happy with. When that happens I find it is best to just admit it and move on! I then begin again, first finding a focus, a group of colors. I have made a few in this series since then, but will just show this one. Taking a picture and seeing it on my computer really helps me see it a little more objectively.
I also am getting ready for a show in April at the Raue Performing Arts Center in Crystal Lake, IL. I have started choosing which quilts will be in this exhibit: I have to show at least half of the six quilts I submitted. I was able to find room for 2 new quilts, and several that are small.
In May I will be taking an independent study class from Nancy Crow, so I want to bring some quilts along I can show there. I would like to be courageous and get some specific feedback from her! I think that is what I need right now. I am enjoying this series I have started, and feel quite obsessed with what I am doing. I hope that is a good sign!
I also have a show of some of my quilts at the Elmwood Park Library. I may have scheduled too much at once, but I think if I am organized, it will work. Luckily when I visited the library I found I do not need many quilts. It will be a busy spring!
Gail, congratulations on having your work displayed in so many venues and thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog. Keep working!