
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Art Quilt

I am trying some new ColorForm quilts, in a bigger size. This one is 33" H x 66"W. I decided my challenge would be to use yellow, a color I hardly ever use. As I went along designing this quilt, I kept finding the yellow was missing! I had to keep adding it-and I am having fun adding fabrics with more texture I have been finding in my dyed fabrics.


  1. I had to laugh-the first one you try yellow in -is amazing. That is exactly the word I choose, as well! I guess you better use yellow again.

  2. yay!!!!! YELLOW! A quilt without yellow is like a day without sunshine. I find that yellow fabric is always the first color I run low on. And also the hardest color to find in prints, now that I am working with prints. So I fall back on lime green, a close second. The new work looks sooooo happy and energetic.

    1. I love lime green! and find I use it all the time-I thought maybe I should try something a little different!
