
Saturday, March 29, 2014

More Yellow

I have started working with yellow and have been figuring out ways to work with it-what goes with yellow? I found I have a lot of nice shades of yellow, and they go with lots of other colors.I like the dark, almost gold shades.  Here I used blues and grays, but have started a big piece using some dark orange/rust. I thought I didn't like yellow, but I just didn't know how to use it. And it has added some brightness to our dark, cloudy days lately. This is about 31"H x 34"W. And I have been trying out a different camera, which has turned out to be a big improvement!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Desperate for Sunshine

It has been so nice out lately when the sun is out. Even though we have lots of snow left, I enjoy hearing it rushing down the storm sewers as it melts. When I go for a walk, there are big puddles of water to walk through on the sidewalks. I must have been desperate for sunshine when I made this one-I usually don't use much yellow! This one is 14"H x 19"W.