Friday, August 23, 2013
Found in my closet!
I know with a title like that you are going to think my closet is a mess or that I am not organized! But sometimes when I get towards the end of a piece, I am anxious to get on to a new idea, and I think that is what happened with this. I also felt I needed to put it away and look at it with fresh eyes. These shapes balance on each other, yet they are each a strong shape on their own. There are sections of machine stitching that go different directions which are fun to look at up close or farther away. The curves in the stitching is a contrast to the big shapes and straight lines. This is Green x 3, 46"H x 43"W.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Summer's End
Summer has flown by so fast, as it always does. To me, fall is the beginning of the year, and I am looking forward to a visit with new friends, a fabric dyeing class and a visit with grandchildren. Now that I am home I was able to finish another work, based on the connection of shapes. I love orange, and in this piece used one of my bleach pen fabrics as a focal point. But it is the placement of the squares, where they sit and how they interact with each other that always has me intrigued. This is ColorForm 48, 38"H x 42"W.